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Every business, big or small, has to deal with complaints or workplace allegations at one point or another. That’s why knowing how to manage complaints effectively is a must for every business owner.

From what to do the moment an allegation hits your desk, to handling the aftermath of a workplace investigation, this ebook guides you through the process of diffusing unpleasant situations and turning them into valuable lessons for your business.


 Drawing from his experiences on successfully managing a mental illness while running a business, David Westgate provides valuable quick tips and advice on:

  • How to stay productive while working from home and navigating the work day with your new ‘colleagues’

  • Maintaining your mental health and wellbeing through change and uncertainty

  • Staying connected and maintaining communication with your team and social networks while social distancing and;

  • Building support networks and knowing when to reach out for assistance.

My business’s COVIDSafe plan

FCOVID‑19 will be with us for some time, so it’s important that your business has a plan - and continues to plan - to keep your workplace healthy, safe and virus-free. All Australian Governments have agreed to a set of National COVID-19 Safe Work Principles to guide us and ensure that our workplaces are healthy and safe. This planning toolkit will help your business prepare a plan for the different stages of the pandemic. You should revise your plan frequently, particularly as restrictions and conditions change.

The toolkit:

• will help you work out what resources are available and where you can go for support

• will help you develop a clear plan for trading through and after the COVID‑19 pandemic

• takes about 30 minutes to complete.